Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just Thinking

As I was returning to Rigby last night after being with Dad at the hospital, I stopped at the ATM outside Zions Bank to get some funds. No one was around so I pulled in horizontally across the parking spots to be as close as possible. Of course, as soon as I got to the machine, two or three others pulled up to use the ATM. As I proceeded back to the van, a lady on the sidewalk kind of shouted at me "Don't you know how to park?" Taken aback, I said "no" with a smile and got into the car and left. I wanted to say "look, my husband is in the hospital, I have cancer and am starting chemo tomorrow." I didn't and I am glad I didn't, because it was my fault in the first place. Just because no one else was around when I arrived, I didn't have any right to take up three parking spots making it inconvient for others. We need to be aware of people around us and use consideration and kindness no matter what we are thinking or feeling ourselves. I think that's what President Hinckley did and look how much good he accomplished. So, today, June 19, let's set out to speak kindly to those we meet and give others around us the benefit of the doubt. We truly don't know what is going on in their life either. I have a wall plaque which says "Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a difficult battle." I think it's true. We are all struggling with difficult things in our own lives but those around us are doing the same. I choose today to be a blessing to others.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Okay, I am feeling like a jerk this morning because last night this poor college girl was going door-to-door selling encyclopedias for children and I totally gave her the cold shoulder. I was tired, didn't want to listen to her spiel, and basically wasn't very nice about it. Afterwards I felt bad about it, and feel like you do. Starting now, I will try to cut people some slack and be a little more compassionate instead of always in such a hurry.

Thanks for the reminder. And personally, I think you have every right to take up 3 parking spots if you feel like it! Next time, even cut in line...that'll show em!