Friday, June 20, 2008


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, will you be mine, will you be mine, won't you be my neighbor ? Good old Mr. Rogers... I couldn't help thinking about that song with the bright sunlight streaming through the office window and the iris blooming outside -- it is, indeed, a beautiful day in the neighborhood ! (Even if Mean Melanie lives across the street!) What makes it even better is that I pulled out the Cougar Fight Song and played that CD several times and I'm up ready to go! I love motivational music!
Someone emailed earlier to "watch Dennis" so that's what I've done -- I've watched him go right out the door to work at the bank. We wouldn't want him to change too much, we couldn't take the surprise of it all !
You are all so articulate I probably should just put these ramblings on a journal entry for myself. Surely enjoy reading what you post!


Mark Brown said...

"Watch Dennis." Hilarious.

Watch Dennis go to the salvage store.

Watch Dennis mow the lawn.

Watch Dennis go garage saling.

Watch Dennis watch Law and Order.

brownbunchmama said...

Yep, you're right on the mark, Mark. Here are a few more:
Watch Dennis set up the tent trailer in the driveway
Watch Dennis put a Corvette in the neighbors garage
Watch Dennis take care of the neighbors' yard
Watch Dennis love and play with his grandchildren

Shalee said...

Classic....hopefully this doesn't land us back in the days of 'Watch Dennis go crazy in the hospital' because he wouldn't take it easy. However, I learned a lesson early on: You can't tell a Brown man what to do....